The spoiled and well-fed brats get their
three-course lunches for free. Ten steps away is the VIP stand with prime view
to the finish area. We checked their VIP accreditations, and guided them to
their warm and exclusive restaurant.
And we chased ordinary people away.
We told the poor guys to go to the other
side of the arena, and line up to buy hot-dogs and burgers. Be happy that we
let you watch the race at all. You know, we have to obey Pareto's Law (economics), also
known as the Matthew Principle (Matt. 25:29):
"For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the ones who do not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."
That's life. That's how our world
works. Like it or not. It's class society.
It was a nice and cold day. From my work
area, I had a perfect view to the race. Very good >:)
(Picture taken today at the race.)