November 22, 2011

Satan's numbers

In my bookshelf I have a cool book titled Number Theory and It's History by Øystein Ore (Dover Classics series). I bought it many years ago, when I was a student.

Number theory is a subject for people with kind of weird interests. It's a branch of pure mathematics, dealing with fundamental properties of numbers; integers, prime numbers and fractions of integers (I prefer applied math).

Most interesting is the first part of the book, about the history of numbers.

People of ancient times have been dealing with number systems of different kinds. They seam to be linked to human anatomy. The common modern number system is base 10, which is the number of fingers on two hands (unless you happen to work in a sawmill).

The Mayas used a base 20 number system. That's the total count of fingers and toes (unless you're an Arctic explorer). Some African tribes have used base 5, the number of fingers on one hand.

The Babylonians used a base 60 system. I'm not sure why, but 60 is kind of a magic number, since it can be divided into all integers from 1 to 6. Still we have remnants from the Babylonians in our time keeping; 60 seconds per minute and 60 minutes per hour. Moreover, a full rotation around the clock is 6*60=360 degrees.

When we agree on a base 10 system, we know that, for instance, 123 means 1*100+2*10 +3. With a different base, the interpretation of the number becomes different.

In computer science, they sometimes use base 8 (octal) numbers, because 8=2*2*2 is closely related to the binary numbers (base 2) that computers use internally. In base 8, the number 123 means 1*64+2*8+1 (since 64=8*8).

From anatomy consideration, base 8 should also be the prefered number system of Disneyland. You have noticed the hands of Donald Duck and his friends?

In ancient Rome, they used the Roman numerals. They are still used in Hollywood to give the production year of a movie in an unreadable way. The Roman numerals were useful for counting, but hard to apply in calculations. About 1000 years ago, the Arabic numerals (which is what we still use) were introduced in Europe. They become popular because calculations with large numbers got much easier.

The Catholics didn't like the new number system (they have always been against anything new). The Pope stated that the Arabic numerals were the work of Satan.

It's fun that today even Catholics use Arabic numerals. It's one of the great victories of Satan >:D

(Watch out! Satan is everywhere, and he might be near you. I took the picture above on the motorway in Moscow this summer. Satan caught my eye, even if he was driving upside down.)


  1. haha. The Catholics really are opposed to change, aren't they? Love the pic. Took me a couple of seconds before I noticed what you were talking about. :)

  2. I love to watch Letters and Numbers, a tv game show testing your brain to make up words and numbers. Sometime the random combinations are quite satanic, give me headache.

    My Darcy Vibrates…

  3. So they drive upside down in Moscow, do they? Hmm... Must have something to do with using both ordinal numbers and cardinal (Satan's!) numbers... all so confusing and mixed up. ;)

  4. Nessa: The Pope at least is opposed to change, but I think there are quite some liberal Catholics, and I think they had reasons for electing the present Pope Benedict XVI. The liberal Cardinals realized that they did not yet have sufficient support to get a liberal Pope. So, they compromized on the oldest candidate on the conservative wing.

    Enid: Ir's quite funny how these Satanic combinations show up from time to time. But don't worry >;)

    Jayne: The Moscow traffic is crazy, for sure. You never know what surprises wait around the next corner >;)

    Bathwater: Thanks >:)


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