September 8, 2012

Bad guys and good guys

I haven’t been to Russia since May, but next week I’m off to Moscow again. I plan to work all week in our Moscow office.

In the evenings I’ll be running around on Red Square shouting “Free Pussy Riot”. You know, that punk band which broke into the Cathedral of Christ in Moscow, and played a song criticizing Putin and the Orthodox Church that supports him. They were sentenced to two years in prison for so-called religious hatred. 

Running around in the streets isn’t my style anymore.

In Moscow, I will just work long hours and relax in an Uzbek restaurant with a dark beer at night. I’m working for BigOil, and we’re co-operating with the bad guys (as seen from Pussy Riot’s point of view). We’re not supposed to show any political views. Get the job done, and keep quiet.

In fact, we’re co-operating with bad guys all over the world; in Africa, South America and Asia. Historically, the oil industry has a bad reputation when it comes to environment, corruption, and exploitation of poor countries (the top three are weapons, mining and oil). No good.

Officially, my company has high standards. I hope that’s the way we do it around the world, though it’s not easy, with all the weird regimes around.

But we keep your cars going. We're the good guys >:)

(I took the picture above in Moscow three years ago. I have no idea who the girl is. She's probably not a member of Pussy Riot. I just thought she had a cool outfit.)


  1. One of my sons yelled "Free Pussy Riot," while riding in my car. I had to sink down. I think the man in the next car thought he said, "Free Pussy!"
    Enjoy Moscow.

    1. Funny. Nothing wrong about "Free Pussy". Moscow's good so far >:)


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