May 18, 2013

Almost as always

Yesterday we celebrated the Constitution Day. It was the traditional stuff going on; flags all over the place, the children's parade and then the citizens parade, brass bands playing in the streets.

We (as a country) are very proud of our Constitution Day. In particular, we appreciate that children are parading, and not the military.

There's a general consensus that parading children is a good idea.

I know there are some people (in particular European immigrants) who don't agree. To some, marching children are even more scaring than marching soldiers. Thousands of children waiving flags and praising the king can give an impression of indoctrination; a slight touch of North Korea.

Whatever, we've been doing this for almost 200 years, and probably will the next 200 years.

It was Constitution Day as always. The only thing unusual, was the nice and warm weather. No freezing in suit and tie, no need for gloves >:)

(I took the picture of the nurse's drum corps when we watched the citizen's parade.)


  1. What a great tradition! I think marching children is great!
    Tina @ Life is Good

    1. I like the children's parade too, in particular because they're marching more like a herd of sheep than a military troop >:)

  2. Great pic. Sounds like you had a great time.

    1. Thanks. We appreciated the nice and warm weather >:)

  3. Our parades typically have many more children than military--I agree with preferring it. Most often it is high school marching bands or kids' organizations. I guess I can see a fear, if the mode of marching seemed to military, in having kids doing it, but I see parades as more a community gathering event--people collecting as part of something bigger, but nationalism isn't the goal.

    1. Yes, the children's parade and citizen's parade is very much like a nice community gathering, and that's what it should be. For historical reasons, Europe has good reasons to be worried about nationalism

  4. Lovely picture.

    I can see how the powers-that-be would have historically feared the marching of children to celebrate freedom. It's a statement of the future generation, i.e. this isn't just NOW, it's how we are raising our children.

    1. The children represents the future; that's an important part of it. It's also important that historically, we've been an underdog country, ruled by foreign kings for centuries, never powerful enough to invade anyone.

  5. People love parades. :) Kids, too. I like them better when people are celebrating an idea, rather than a person (e.g. King). But that's just me.

    1. In our case, we celebrate the Constitution, and the rights it gives us; freedom of speech, religious freedom and stuff like that, but no 2nd amendment >;)

  6. I think it's lovely to have the children parade in happiness and pride. :)

  7. Interesting that you celebrate constitution day - a positive thing to celebrate! I think we should celebrate a Constitution Day here in South Africa, our constitution has such a history behind it and is very advanced when you think what a small fish in the world we are. And the rights enshrined in it were so hard won and are already under threat by the new government. Celebrating a day like this would remind us to never let our history repeat itself.


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