December 23, 2016

A child was born in Bethlehem

Many children were born in Bethlehem. Jesus was not one of them. He was most likely born in Nazareth (but he didn't play in the band). However, some prophecies from the Old Testament (Isaiah 11:1.10, Micah 5:2) said that Messiah should be an ancestor of King David, born in Bethlehem.

So in the Christmas Gospel they invented the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem, to make the story fit. And tomorrow we're celebrating this fairytale. Just like we do every year. I'm not looking forward to it.

Christmas always makes me depressed. The whole damn thing. Usually I spend the last three months of the year dreading Christmas. The worst part is the materialistic orgy of Christmas gifts. Whenever I'm asked what I wish for Christmas, I say "nothing". I hope this year that I will get it.

I'm longing for January. In the meantime, we can appreciate that days are getting longer. Happy winter solstice >:)

(I found this picture on the Internet some years ago. I don't remember where I found it and who made it, unfortunately. Otherwise I would have credited the artist. Great work.)


  1. Nothing is exactly what I gave you this Christmas. Nothing is also what I've got from you. I didn't wish any material gift anyway. Just a wish to come true. Maybe next year or maybe next life it will. Meanwhile be happy, not depressed. You have only this one life, right?

    1. Yes, we only have one life. Our existence is just a moment in the history of the earth. Maybe next yer will be a good one >:)

  2. Oh my! You know you are asking for some Grinch-comparisons with this post, right? But that's okay. I've always thought some comparisons between Santa and God were there: they know when you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sake--and to get stuff. I will admit, my family goes quite mad with gift giving. Every year I tell my mom not to get us too much because we'll only have to mail it back to our home, but she can't stop. And neither can I. So who should I blame for my cluttered home? Me. Mostly me.

    1. I have proposed in our family that we should only buy gifts to the kids; the adults can buy they own crap if they want. So far with limited success.

  3. CA, if only you could see that the Christmas story is one of joy and hope. Even if you consider it a fairy tale, you must admit it's a pretty cool one. God takes on human flesh, born as a baby to a virgin mother: his purpose to set in place the greatest rescue of all time. I'm sorry it makes you depressed. I hope you have a great 2017.

    1. Yes, I agree, the Christmas story is very good story, and I enjoy it as such, as literature.

      I survived the Christmas this time too, and my depressions are all gone when January comes.

      Happy 2017 to you too.


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