April 5, 2013

30.000 feet

It's been a while since I wrote anything here. Don't worry. There are plenty of good blogs around. You don't really need mine. I'm just writing it for my own entertainment.

I do most of my writing when I'm out traveling. This year I haven't been traveling much, so far. Before Easter, I spent a week in Moscow, working long days. Now I'm on the way to Milan, Italy, about to cross the Swiss Alps at 30.000 feet. 

The last three months have been quite busy. Too much to do at work, very interesting and important projects, but intense, and with tight deadlines.

Half a year ago we were reorganized. We've got new bosses, doing administration and micro-management rather than showing leadership. No problem, we get used to it. We just have to make up the visions and grand plans ourselves.

You can't really stop researchers, just slow them down, by setting up weird obstacles. I've come up with a new management model. How to utilize the various facets of corporate management in the optimal way. Maybe I will write a post about it some time.

Winter is the most busy time of year. It's skiing season, and we've been skiing a lot. I've got about 45 days on the slopes so far. The kids have more. The Easter was great, cold nights, sunny days, and great skiing conditions. April is the best part of the season. There's more to come, for another month.

Finally, I've got a new favorite author, the French rebel Michel Houllebecq. He's a very good writer; pessimistic, ironic and provocative, pointing to the sickness of modern society. Accused of being a pornographer, and pulled to court by Islamic organizations for offending their religion. That's a real author, with his mission. Recommended.

I've read four of Houllebecq’s books recently, just started on the fifth. So, I've done a lot of reading, but not much writing, except the science reports at work.

(April is the best time of the year for skiing. It's not me in the picture, but I know the guy quite well. The picture was taken and put together by one of his buddies.)


  1. Since I've been so negligent, it's probably good you haven't been here either, or I would have felt bad about ignoring you... Glad you've gotten your skiing in this winter! As for me, I'm eager for true spring--I want temperatures to edge over 60 on a regular basis and for there to not be frost on the ground in the morning.

    1. Spring comes if we like it or not. I think winter is the best time of the year, but summer can be nice too ... if it's not raining too much >:)

  2. Thanks for the book recommendations! And...wow! That's a lot of skiing! I've actually never skiied. :) Clumsy people shouldn't!

    1. You're welcome. You should try skiing. It's fun. Maybe you can set your next mystery in a skiing resort >:)

  3. I miss skiing. Shattered my wrist and it took a LOT to put Humpty-Dumpty together again...
    Yes, I have read those immigrant books you mentioned at Life is Good. I even have one of the sculptures inspired by the books.

    Tina @ Life is Good
    Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
    @TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

    1. I read these books many years ago. I think they were very interesting.


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