June 23, 2013

Bar math

A couple of days ago I met with some friends and colleagues in a bar to have a beer.  We had a good meal in restaurant nearby, and then we went to another bar for another beer.

We discussed a science problem and some ideas for have to solve it. I found a pen in my pocket, and got a napkin to sketch up the solution. We had a good time with dark beers and some interesting bar math. That’s the kind of things we do from time to time.

When I jumped on my bike to go home an hour after midnight, it was still light outside. It's summer, and at this time of the year it’s not really getting dark at all >:)

(Picture taken with my cell phone in the bar)  


  1. Most people just write phone numbers on bar napkins...

    1. There may be phone numbers and secret messages hidden in the algebra >;)

  2. This made me smile. What a nice post. It's simple, but it gave me such a nice feeling of fellowship.... Makes me want to jump on a bike at midnight and meet some friends and hang together. :)

    1. Thanks. Yes, get on the bike and meet some friends. It's a nice way to spend a night >:)

  3. Some of the greatest ideas have bar origins--or at least I prefer to believe that. :)

    1. It's probably true. I often get inspired in bars. Both scientific ideas and writing ideas pop out of the dark beers >:)


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