May 6, 2014

A-Z Challenge reflections

I'm in a hurry right now, so I have to be quick. There's been a lot of things going on recently

This weekend we were up in the mountains for the season finale in the skiing resort. We had a good time on the slopes, as usual. Yesterday we had new and fresh snow and good skiing in the high zone.

Today I attended a full-day research meeting in the university. Tonight I've been out eating dinner and drinking a couple of beers with scientists from all over the world.

Also, I'm in the process of applying for a new job, and I had to write the job application today. So, I had to decide if I should write the job application before the beers and this blog post after the beers or vice versa. I concluded that I should write the job application before the beers, and I think this was a wise decision.

Now, let me turn to the real subject: I enjoyed taking part in the A-Z challenge, and I will probably do it again next year. This was my first time, and I chose to just write about random things, like I do most of the time. Next year I may do some kind of theme. We will see.

That's it. The time is 1 am and I'm going to work tomorrow (or actually later today).

Good night >:)

(I took the picture above on the slopes yesterday. Great day. I'm already looking forward to November, when the resort open for the next skiing season.)


  1. Don't blog drunk!
    Glad you had a good time. Didn't realize this was your first hack at the Challenge. A theme makes a huge difference - trust me!

    1. I never do that >:)

      I'll get a theme next time. Don't know what yet, but there's some time to think about it.

  2. I did a theme this year; winged it last year and can't say that it made much difference to me. Thanks for visiting me and commenting:)

    1. I will probably try some kind of theme next time

  3. The only thing bad about your A-Z challenge is that I didn't have time to read any of it, and when I did pop in for a look, I didn't have time to comment.
    Good Luck with your job application. I think you made the right choice, too, regarding the beers.

    1. With your new position and upcoming graduation, you have more important things to do than reading blogs. For busy times, I can recommend my N-post from the challenge >:)

  4. I'm really glad you decided to join the Challenge this year! I wish I could have come by more often, but if it makes you feel any better, you're one of the only blogs that got more than one visit. It's just been such fun getting to know another Scandinavian, and I do appreciate the insights you've shared.
    Best of luck with the new job, and yes, beers with blogging is a much better choice ;-) Though it does depend on the beer. Do you have lättöl in Norje?

    Tina @ Life is Good
    On the Open Road! @ Join us for the 4th Annual Post-Challenge Road Trip!

    1. Come visit as often or as rarely as you want. That's fine >:)

  5. Ah, yes, application THEN beer is definitely the wiser direction. Funny, this year was my first year NOT doing A to Z. I missed it, but couldn't have done it justice. Best of luck with your job!

    1. Thanks. Itæs great to see that you get your books published, one after the other >:)

  6. This was my first year to and I did a theme. I thought it was a lot of fun that way and helped me come up with ideas. Congrats for completing.
    Marlene at On Writing and Riding

    1. I will probably do a theme next year. I need to come up with a good one >:)

  7. I've never yet found the dedication to do a A- Z challenge, so well done - espeically as you have a full tme job demanding your attention! :) Hope you enjoyed your last weekend of winter skiing and the May Day holiday too (we also celebrate it here in South Africa) This year, of course, it was overshadowed by the elections (I've had a lot to say about *that* answering your comment on my blog) :) I'll be off social media radar until the end of our winter, wehn I hope to emerge with a complete first draft of my new novel. Hope I don't miss too much exciting news while I'm in writing hibernation...

    1. For me the >-Z Challenge was a nice opportunity to write some stuff I wouldn't have done without it. Good luck with your next novel, and enjoy your writing hibernation.

  8. Good luck on the job search. Glad you enjoyed a-z. Been years since I've skiied...I was younger and didn't have arthritis, now I like beach vacations instead. I'm road tripping through a-z as I continue to blog a-z in May

    1. The beach is nice too. I like the changing season, skiing in the wintr, and going to the beach in summer >:)

  9. Sounds like you're pretty busy. Good luck with the job search.


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