April 29, 2014

A-Z Challenge 26: Zusammenfassung

It's the last day last day of the A-Z Challenge, and time for a summary. I thought I might do it in German. Zusammenfassung is German for summary. I learnt German (our 2nd foreign language) in school. When I was a student, and traveled around Europe every summer as a backpacker, I was a decent German speaker (but I never understood the Swiss). I haven't practiced German for many years, so I should probably stay with English (our 1st foreign language in school).

Slightly off the topic: Once upon a time, I spent 2 hours on the train between Mariazell and Sankt Pölten in Austria together with 3 Catholic nuns. We had an interesting discussion on various philosophical and theological questions, in German. My vocabulary was pretty good, but my grammar was somewhat shaky. I must admit that I found it slightly annoying when the nuns corrected my grammar all the time, repeating every sentence I said in correct and proper German. After all, I'm not the one to blame for the Tower of Babel. I should probably write a blogpost about my trip to Mariazell sometime.

Doing the A-Z challenge has been fun. I have written about topics that I wouldn't have done, if I wasn't forced to twist my brain to come up with an idea for every damn letter of the alphabet. Some posts were fairly good, some were bad, but now it's water under the bridge. Also, I have discovered new blogs, and read some cool posts written by other participants.

During the A-Z Challenge I've been posting a lot more (10 times more?) than I would normally do. Now I will probably take a blog-break for a couple of weeks, and then return to my natural frequency and my usual topics; life in Winterland, travel to various places, memories from the past, criticizing right-wing politics, and mocking the gods. My to-write list was only partly covered in the A-Z Challenge, and I will pick it up later.

Today is the last day of April. Tomorrow is the 1st of May, the International Workers Day, which is a national holiday (we live in a social democracy, which means we're half-communists. In the Soviet Union both 1st and 2nd of May were holidays). On Sunday at 4:30 PM the skiing resort is closing for the season. Tomorrow I'm off to the mountains together with the kids, for the last four days of skiing.

The last four days of zunny and zlushy zpring zkiing ... zzz  >:)

(I took the picture above a year ago, when I was watching the kids in the snow park at the 2013 ski season finale. We hope it will be as good this year.)


  1. May 5 is the A to Z Challenge Reflections post if you care to join us! Otherwise, yeah, I'm going back to my once a week posting. I'm beat...

    1. Maaybe I will join in on 5. May, probably I will

  2. I took a year of German in university, but I remember so little of it. Great Z word and even more interesting story. :)

    1. My problem is that a large part of my active German vocabulary is gone, due to little practise. The passive vocabulary is still OK.

  3. I love how you can stick words together in German and just get longer, better words.

    1. Compared to English, German (and the Scandinavian languages) has different rules for splitting words. The rule is basically don't split, which can make some really long words >:)

  4. Love the pic ans what a fun idea to use a ferman word lol returning the visit.

    ,my blessings homeschool

    1. Thanks. I still can write a litlle bit of German, but not much anymore, unfortunately

  5. Great Blog! I worked so hard finishing the A-Z Challenge that I didn't get a chance to read as many others as I'd of hoped. Glad to be a new follower :) ~Rhondi http://yagottalaughaboutit.ca/

    1. Thanks, and nice to meet you.
      I agree that the Å-Z challenge is an overflow of Interesting posts in a shirt time, but fortunately they will be available for reading later

  6. zongratulations zn zeaching zhe znd zf zthe zhallenge. :)


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