April 10, 2014

A-Z Challenge 09: I don't ...

I don’t want to own anyone.

I don’t want to be owned by anyone.

I don’t want to boss.

I don’t want to be bossed.

I don’t keep my desk clean at work (sorry, boss).

I don’t like to follow the rules.

I don’t drink wine and don’t drink liquor (but I sometimes drink dark beer).

I don’t post pictures of my face on the Internet (Dorian and I have a reason why).

I don’t post dick-pics either (not sure if Dorian does).

I don’t mind following some rules, if I can make them myself.

(Since I don’t post face-pics of myself nor my family and friends on the Internet, little boy made this avatar for me on his PS3. He claims it looks similar. I'm not sure. At least the black clothes and glasses are right, but my eyes are green ...)


  1. I don't use a picture of myself, but that's just because I couldn't find a suitable one, so this one kind of stuck.

  2. Following the rules is usually boring anyway.

  3. You know I don't post pictures of myself either. Except for my author photo which is in silhouette. Otherwise, Mini-Alex is really close.
    Nice of your son to make an avatar.

    1. The avatar lives inside the PlaStation. He's not doing much, since I don't play computer games

  4. Visiting from A/Z; I like your list of "I don't". I too don't post pictures of myself or family on my blog or even use their names other than my name; hubby is hubby, son is son, and so on. Only pictures of family members are of our corgi, Koda, and they all look alike anyway. I choose not to post pictures for our privacy since we really have no idea who is reading our blogs.

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge :)


    1. We never had å dog or any other animals. I guess dogs would be hard to recognize as an individual


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