August 20, 2014


There is no such thing as happiness. You can only chose how to be unhappy.

That's life.

And then you die, and it's all forgotten.


  1. I'm going to completely disagree, and you'll have to forgive me on this, but I'm a firm believer in the power of happiness. It can be hard to reach and takes a focused effort. It may only come in little snatches to begin with. A smile here. A laugh there. Given enough time to grow, it can eventually become a regular part of life, but I think it requires us focusing on the things that bring happiness: family, gratitude, etc. I hope you find it.

  2. I believe there's such a thing as happiness. You just can't pursue it.

  3. Of course there is happiness, you know it. Maybe it first comes in form of only short stolen moments from the other "bad" reality; but if you make a space for it to grow, it will start to occupy your entire life and heart very soon! Just go for it.

  4. Ha! I'm guessing a hard week. I don't experience you as usually cynical. :)

  5. I'm an expert on this, and I know I'm right >;)


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