December 18, 2011

Christmas - two different ones

Christmas is a big hazzle, and this year I have to worry about two of them.

Last week, the guys I’m working with in Russia proposed a work meeting in Moscow 26-28 December. There’s no way I can go on a business trip between Christmas Day and New Year. I won't even mention it. Christmas is family time.

We can meet early in January, I suggested. No, we can’t, because that’s the Orthodox Christmas in Russia. No chance before mid of January, at best. Damn. Not good.

Christmas is a pain in the ass, and has always been. I dislike both the religious and commercial part of it. The Virginborn and Santa Claus, two quite bizarre products of human fantasy.

If I could delete two days from the callendar, I would pick Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

However, it’s not much I can do about it. I just turn off my brain, watch the Disney cartoons with the kids, and wait for it to be over on the 26. December.

Then the rest is just a mid-winter skiing vacation, which is nice >:)

(I took the picture above one year ago when I was running desperately around town doing last-minute Christmas shopping. This year we don't even have snow in town. However, my wife has bought her present from me herself. Great. Then she gets what she wants, and I avoid going shopping. I'll rather buy her a book that I want to read ... that's how meaningless this Christmas thing has become >:D)


  1. Man--I hope you dn't get stuck, because you're right--it should be family time. We don't do the religious holiday, either, but I actually dig Santa and the spirit of giving and time together. I also love that the whole society sort of takes a break so I get the time off without repercussions of being super busy when I come back--the University has the week between Christmas and New Years off... I get 11 days in a row this year... very nice.

  2. They can't really expect you to be there anytime around Christmas? I am a Christian (relationship not religion) and Christmas and Easter are the two times of the year that are totally off limits.

  3. have you ever seen Bad Santa? best christmas movie ever. though, not necessarily a "family" movie depending what you'll let the kids watch as parts are a bit raunchy. it's one of my favorites.

  4. Oz is quite good, no one seems to be willing to work between Christmas and New Year. So I'm going to drink, eat and be merry. Happy Holidays!

    My Darcy Vibrates…

  5. Beautiful photo you took. Hope you get your family time. I'm hoping to take next week for some writing time.

  6. Hart: I'm getting 9 days off; 3 days Christmas celebrations, and 6 days of skiing. Not too bad >:)

    Alex: Business tips in Chirstmas holidays is out of question. Too me Christmas and Easter means mountains and skiing.

    id: Haven't seen that movie. Will check it out. Can't imagine that the kids will take any harm from it.

    farawayeyes: Not sad. I never am >;)

    Enid: Seams like you have a good plan.

    M Pax: Thanks. I hope you get some great writing time.

    This was probably my last post before Christmas. Happy Holidays >:)

  7. Did I hear you mumble bah humbug? Christmas is a time for family. Forget the pomp and the store hype. Enjoy a fire, even if there's no snow. Trust me, we have no snow here in the part of Texas I live it, but we'll still light the fire. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and holidays.

  8. Well, then, I guess I'll just say Happy Skiing! ;-)

  9. Liz: Thanks. I'm looking forward to the skiing. Hope we get a lot of fresh powder, that's what I want for Christmas >:)


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