February 3, 2012


It's been a freezing cold day with a lot of heat.

At work today, I solved the heat equation. I try to simulate a stack of sedimentary rocks being heated by the crust below, and how temperature develops through geological time.

When I came back home, I lighted the fireplace to heat the kitchen and the living room. Then I made a hot meal for the kids.

Tomorrow is race day for little boy. This evening, I waxed his skis. It's a long and tedious process to do it properly: First, sharpen the edges with a file. Second, heat the wax with a waxing iron and melt it into the base. Third, scrape of the excess wax. Finally, brush and polish the base. Then the skis are ready for the super-G race.

Now I'm relaxing with a hot cup of tea.

My old lady has been away on a business trip today. When she comes home tonight, I hope the heat is on >;)

(I computed the plot above at work today. It shows the diffusion of heat from below through a package of sedimentary rocks. After 50 million years, hot magma intrudes the sediments. The time-step between each temperature curve is 10 million years ... not much God could have done about it in 6 days, and resting on the 7th.)


  1. is it just me or is it getting hot in here? :p

  2. Hope your little boy does well in the race.
    And God's days are not the same as ours.

  3. id: Would be interesting to know >:)

    Alex: I think God is using the same time scale as us. However, assuming for a moment that God exists, I think he may have used some simplifying and pedagogical metaphors explaining things to the people who helped him write the Bible 2-3000 years ago. It would be useless to try to explain the concepts of our contemporary science to people of ancient times.

  4. Of course God uses metaphors. Didn't Jesus?

    Cold- Lotta love in them skis. I'm guessing your boy was on fire coming down the mountain. ;)

    Whoo, it's definitely hot in here.

  5. Back before I became sensitive to everything, I enjoyed sitting next to the fireplace with a good book. I know, what a cliche. Now, I can't stand the smell of smoke. Not that it matters. This part of California skipped over winter.

  6. Jayne: Yes, Jesus used metaphors all the time. Maybe he learnt it from his father, if they ever happened to meet. I've heard his fathers house has many rooms >:)

    Nellie: A good book by the fire place is great after a day of skiing.

    Enid: Yes, true. Maybe I'll write that story, but I'll probably leave out the wax >:)


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