January 19, 2018

The end

Today is the last day of the Russian Christmas, when they celebrate the baptism of Jesus, and stuff like that. The Russians first go to church, then jump into a lake through a hole in the ice, while saying prayers. Finally they drink vodka. And then it has come to and end, both here and there. Very good.

Tomorrow, I will put away my favorite Santa, which is not really Santa but more like a heathen gnome. He's probably a little bit like me. I got it from my best friend, and now he will rest till next December.

(I took this picture in Moscow some years ago, on a cold day in January, when the river was frozen)


  1. They certainly know how to spread Christmas out.

    1. I think it's due to different calendars. The Russian Christmas starts on the 25. December of the Julian calendar, which is the 7. January of the Gregorian (Western) calendar

  2. I can barely take just the one day of Christmas. I'd probably have to hide in a cave if I lived in Russia.

    1. I pretend I'm just celebrating the winter solstice, but I think the rest of my family celebrates Christmas. For me it doesn't matter. BTW, in our language the word for Christmas has no reference to Christ, but rather the pagan pre-Christian Yuletide >:)

  3. The end of Christmas, dreams, visions, friendships. Everything ends once.


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