July 7, 2010

When the poor save the rich

A year ago, when the financial system was close to breakdown, governments all over the world, using tax-payer’s money, saved the banks and the stock traders. Last winter, the same happened again when the Greek economy was in deep crisis.

When the rich and wealthy are in deep shit, they call for poor and ordinary people to save their asses.

This reminds me of an incident I observed a couple of years ago, during our summer vacation. It happened in the town where Napoleon Bonaparte was born.

A huge yacht in the guest harbor was attempting to lift anchor. They steamed forward and backward and sideways, with rear propellers and bow thrusters. The men prayed and swore and yelled at each other, and the pinup girls on the sundeck escaped to the cabins, in their Chanel bikinis and Prada sunglasses.

The crew was obviously better at serving champagne than at handling anchors. Whatever they did; the damn anchor was stuck on the sea bed.

A big crowd on the quay was watching the scene, giggling and laughing and shaking their heads.

Suddenly, three local kids appeared, in a small 12-feet dinghy. Two boys put on their diving masks and jumped in the water. When they returned to the surface a few seconds later, the anchor was free.

The yacht lifted anchor and set off to sea. But before they left, they threw a parcel wrapped in gold paper to the kids. The crowd on the quay applauded, and waited in excitement for the kids to open the parcel.

The kids just waved to the crowd and disappeared >:)))


  1. I hope the package contained money or something valuable. Otherwise, I get in my dinghy and chase down the yacht and egg it.

  2. Like Helen, I hope there was something valuable in that parcel - a pearl necklace or two, gold coins, those kind of treasures that make dangerous diving worthwhile! Pity you never found out what was in it! Maybe it was just lunch. Or garbage.

  3. The parcel was a rectangular box, about 10cm x 10cm x 30cm. The gold-paper wrapping looked nice, but I have no idea what was in it. I hope it was not a box with a bottle of champagne, since the boys was far too young to drink it.

  4. I definitely agree-hope it had something VALUABLE (preferably not drugs)

    --it is a good theme for a STORY, isn't it? Rich person being the slovenly awful type that rich so often seem to be... needing saving and being humbled by the poor person who does it (who seemingly wants nothing in return)--sort of Victor Hugoish... I like it.

  5. I guess that's the stereotype we often have of the rich, Hart. They're mean assholes. Sometimes they are, sometimes not. I know a couple of very rich people; scientists who have become rich because the made smart inventions. As persons they haven't changed at all I think; they're same good old guys >:)

  6. Bouillon. Gold. That's what was in the box.

  7. I agree with Helen. Just my attitude and temperment though. Better be something good in that box or those people in the boat will be in far more trouble than merely a stuck anchor.

    Stephen Tremp


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