April 27, 2011

Birth certificates

The US national debt is more than 14.000 billion dollars, and the country is close to losing the AAA credit rating.

In the meantime the Republicans and the Tea-Party sheep argue about Obama's birth certificate.

These guys know how to prioritize.

By the way, I was born in Winterland. If you don't believe it, I might be willing to post my birth certificate here >:D

(I admit it: I'm a big fan of Obama, just like I was a fan of Clinton. Nice to get an oportunity to post a picture of the President on this blog. Unfortunately, I've never had the chance to take a picture of Obama, so I stole one on the Internet.)


  1. you stole a good picture, i love those genuine smile/laugh pics.

  2. Very restrained calling them sheep. They've lost the plot. Lovely photo btw.

  3. Oh, man... I get so disgusted with the half of the American public that is too stupid to use their common sense. I'm not thrilled with Obama's lack of follow-through on some things... with his willingness to compromise with mass idiocy, but I LIKE him. And I am thoroughly disgusted with people who refuse to GET IT.

  4. id: When I steal, I go for the best >:D

    sue: I always try to be modest, if I can >:)

    Astrid: As you know, Europeans tend to lean towards the Democratic side when it comes to American politics.

    Hart: You belong to the better half. I don't necessarily agree with Obama on every detail of his political acts (or lack thereof), but I like his big vision.

  5. Regardless of the political side one is on, its about time he produced the document just to get rid of the distractions. There are more important issues at hand. Now hopefully the politicians in Washington can get some work done.

  6. I agree with you. Some politicians don't understand the priority of people. A fan of Mr. O? Hmm...

  7. I do not believe you were born in the Hinterland. Please post your birth certificate within two days or I will notify Donald Trump that you are not a Hinterland citizen and he will arrange for you to be deported. I will request that he have you deported to Texas. It's hot, but I've heard that you are full of hot air, so you'll blend right in.

  8. Stephen: That's a good way to say it.

    Enid: Yes, I am.

    Helen: You're right; I wasn't born in Hinterland >;)

    Actually, I'm going to Texas this fall, for a science conference in San Antonio. I'm looking forward to it. Nice city, I've been there once before, 10 years ago >:)

  9. It's all become a bit too frustrating for me! Aaarrrggghhh! And we thought it would not be politics as usual...

  10. i can't believe how easily people and the media get distracted with these non-arguments. No serious person believes there is a problem with his birth certificate and those who are in doubt would not be convinced even if there was surveillance footage of the form being filled out, etc...


  11. Jayne: Politics will always be politics as usual. I think that's unavoidable in a democratic system, where the government must adjust to the opinions of senates and houses of lords and commons

    IBwMW: It's insane, isn't it

    N4M3L3SS: Thanks alot >:)


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