May 19, 2011

Change of seasons

Winter has come to an end, and the snow is gone. Summer is here, at least visiting from time to time.

Last weekend, I cleaned and vaxed the skis and put them away for summer storage, till the snow returns in November.

How many pairs of skis does a family of four need? In our case the answer is 7, for the time being. I want a new pair of carving skis next winter.

By the way, "Change of Seasons" is the name of an album by the prog-metal band Dream Theater >:)

(I took the picture above with my cell phone, after lining up the skis for cleaning. From right to left: Little boy's twin-tip (freestyle) skis, giant slalom (GS) skis, and downhill (DH) skis. Then older boy's off-piste rocker skis and twin-tip skis. Finally my good old GS skis and wife's skis, formerly older boy's GS racing skis.)


  1. Hmmm. Your ski collection sounds like my brother-in-laws car collection! You've got more skis then people, and they've got more cars then people!

    Never knew skis could be so pretty. Maybe because every time I stand on a ski my eyes close in fear!
    Judy, South Africa

  2. I knew that about Dream Theater.

  3. Ah, that photo makes me smile. Nothing like a good collection of skis. Ours is much like yours, but we have only one pair each of downhills. And then there's the cross country skis... And the old 195s (and larger) that for some reason, I still can't trash--even though nobody will touch them today! I need someone to step into my garage and just tell me like it is, toss them in the garbage for me. Those days of straight skis will never be back, but I mourn them!

  4. Your coolness factor just went up fifty notches with the Dream Theater reference!

  5. Judy: Skis can be expensive, but a lot cheaper than cars, fortunately. Seven cars would be way beyond our budgets.

    Suze: it's a good band, and a good album >:)

    Jayne: The picture shows only the skis that have been in regular use this season, and we have one pair of cross-country skis each. I trashed a pair of old straight skis from the 1990s a few weeks ago, but still have one pair on the loft. I never use them. Straight skis will not come back, except downhill racing skis that are almost straight, to be stable at high speed.

    Alex: Thanks. I'm listening to prog metal as I write, not Dream Theater this time, but Opeth.

  6. I'm in awe of all the skiing you do. I never got the hang of it and never got off the bunny slopes. My husband is a good skier and both my kids can ski. My son can't anymore since his feet got too big for ski boots or even ski boarding. I do like hot toddies by the fireplace, though.

  7. Having a lot of skis probably means you get to use them. Oh how I wish!


  8. Helen: To be a good skier, you need to start early. That's why I've been taking the kids to the slopes since they were 5 yo. I have always enjoyed it myself >:)

    Joyce: Yes, I'm using my skis a lot. This season I had 50-60 days on the snow. The kids had more. Some years older boy has had more than 100 days of skiing in one season. He takes the bus up to the local ski resort after school.

  9. So colorful! It's been forever since I've gone skiing. I want my kids to learn too. :)

  10. Love that you have that many skis! I wish I could ski. I started early, but never had the funds to keep going back. Other hobbies became more important:)
    Btw,What are carving skis?

  11. Skis have become as colorful as skateboards! Pretty picture.

  12. A very nice collection, indeed. Man, skis have changed since I used to do that... I was back in the day of thin and long... I haven't skied since becoming a parent, so a good long time now... Hope the withdrawal isn't too bad for you!

  13. I'm sure that's my problem - I didn't get on skis until well into adulthood. I'm sure it's not due to my clumsiness or my slowness or my fear of falling.

  14. Love seeing the skis lined up like that. Reminds me of skiing with the kids when they were still kids.

  15. Great photo. Worth a story. Romance? Murder? Satire? All possible. And we'll be in winter soon. All the red leaves are quite lovely.

    Chemical Fusion

  16. Lydia: I'm sure your kids would enjoy a skiing vacation.

    Fox K: I'l come over and teach you some time. Carving skis, that's the new type of skis, wide in the front and back, and narrower in the middle. The shape of the skis makes it easy to carve (rather than slide) the turn. In a perfectly carved turn, the track you leave behind should look like a gently curved railroad.

    Helen: Yes, for sure.

    Sheila: Skis were lined up for cleaning. They always get very dirty in the late part of the season, when there is gravel and mud on the parking lot.

    Enid: Maybe I'll try to spin a story around the picture. I bet your winter is as warm as our summer.


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