May 11, 2012

Dogs and whales

I read in the news that the Republicans are mocking Obama because he ate dog meat when he was a kid in Indonesia.

I immediately realized that this will make my own campaign difficult. I planned to run for President of the USA in 2016. I know that the Republicans will try to dig up everything that has happened in my life. So I better tell it right away.

I have something to confess: I ate whale meat when I was a kid. I ate Shanu and Keiko and Moby Dick. They're so cute, though some are bigger than a school bus. Still I ate them. Not only once, but regularly.

It used to be the cheapest meat you could get. Therefore we had it for dinner almost once a week. My mother made fried whale beef with gravy and potatoes. It was very good.

Now whale meat has become  expensive, because of the international restrictions on whaling. But they serve it in the gourmet restaurants, at a high price.

Whale carpaccio is delicious. Typically you get it for a starter. Very thin slices of raw and tender whale meat, served with olive oil, Parmesan cheese and rucola. Try it, unless you wanna run for President >:)

(I had no pictures of dogs or whales in my collection, so I borrowed the one above from the Internet)


  1. I have a confession, too. I once the meat of a snake that my sister killed when it crawled into her bed. Also, some cute cuddly rabbits and some nice caribou and calf fries. (Do you know what calf fries are? Delicious!)

  2. Well, that's gonna get you in trouble if you wanna run for President.

    Snake isn't too bad. I've eaten snakes and turtles and alligators in New Orleans. And oyster is great too, in particular the hairy ones >;)

    Never heard about calf fries, but I googled it so now I know what it is. Do you like it?

  3. Sheesh, people will come up with anything to bash anybody. At least he ate the meat. It's not like he just killed the dog for fun. Not really a meat eater myself, so I haven't tried whale. Taste like chicken?

    1. No, the whales are read meat, more like beef. Alligator tastes like chicken. Whales taste somewhat like seals (you probably haven't eaten that either). Whales and seals have a lot of read blood cells, to store oxygen while they're diving for about half an hour

  4. Thanks for taking care of the vetting process, Cold! I've never had whale, but I've had frog legs--which I think is more disgusting than, and probably not half as delicious as, whale. Though I tend to like mild, white fish. And tuna. Yum. I'm getting hungry...

    (Funny post!)

    1. I've never tried frog legs. It looks disgusting. Frogs always remind me of Kermit in the Muppet Show. Funny guy, but not for the dinner table >:)

  5. It's difficult commenting on a post when my eyes are closed because I don't want to see the picture of the poor dead whale. And I see no difference between eating dog or cat or whale...and eating pig or cow or lamb. That's why I'm a vegetarian.

    Judy, South Africa

    1. I'm both herbivorous and carnivorous. I enjoy a good salad with my beef.

      I guess food is much about culture and habits. For a kid grown up in southern China, eating dog meat will appear quite natural, for the kids of the north, whale meat was on the regular menu.

      I'm not against whaling in general. It just have to be done in a responsible way, like all exploitation of the resources in nature. And I think a whale living in freedom in the ocean, until it's harpooned by a whaler, has a better life than a whale living in a swimming pool at Sea World >:)


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