May 1, 2012

Closing time

Winter is coming to an end. The sun is warming, and the first flowers have appeared down in the valley. Shortly, the trees will start to acquire green leaves.

Today was a sad day for little boy. It was the last opening day in the ski resort. The warming sun is destroying his winter paradise, at least for a while. In six months, the snow is coming back.

We have spent four days in the mountains skiing, just little boy and I in the cabin. The last four days of the skiing season. We took Monday off from school and work, respectively. Tuesday was 1st of May, the International Workers' Day, and a holiday in many countries, including ours.

Skiing was still good at higher elevations, still plenty of dry and fresh snow. For the last week of the season, they have built a big terrain park in the high zone. Jumps all over the place. Green and red lines for the freestyle rookies (like little boy), and black line with big jumps for the teens.

It was an amusement park made of snow. Great fun for those who have the skills and the guts to use it. And for the parents it was pleasant to take a cup of coffee in the sun while watching >:)

(I took the picture while relaxing in the sun, drinking coffee, eating chocolate, and watching the kids.)


  1. Ah well, six months to recuperate then, eh? (As if you or your sons need it.) Enjoy the warmer weather, Cold. :)

    1. I always enjoy the summer. Little boy, however, would prefer to have winter 12 months a year. But he will survive til November, and there's the glacier skiing in June to look forward to >:)

  2. It was 94 Fahrenheit here today. I'm told that's 34 Celsius? The point is, it was hot. Your snow covered peaks are looking mighty tempting right now. Enjoy your "warmth."

    1. Yes, 94 F = 34 C. The formula is subtract 32, then multiply by 5 and divide by 9;
      C = (F-32)*5/9.

      34 is about our all-time high July record; too hot, I think. I should have been by your side, to sprinkle some snow down your back >;)

  3. Ah, memories. I used to enjoy skiing when the boys were little.


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