September 5, 2014


This afternoon I did something that I hardly ever do. I went shopping. I bought a Hell of a lot of stuff.

This is what I bought:
o 1pair of shoes (for me)
o 2 pairs of sneakers (for me and little boy)
o 2 pairs of ski pants (for me and little boy)
o 1 pair of goggles (for me)
o 1 jacket (for little boy)

I bought as much in one day as I normally do in one year. It feels like I carry the entire consumer society on my back, alone

That's a heavy load.

Fortunately, I didn't pass by any bookstores >:)


  1. My grandson and I went shopping this morning. We bought way too much stuff. (and we'll probably do it again in a few months.)

    But maybe I'll make his mother pay for it next time. :)

    1. I won't go shopping again before next year, or the year after (except in bookstores).

  2. Haha! Bookstores break the bank. At least my bank. ;)

  3. Sounds like you stocking up and preparing for ski season.

  4. One trip, and you're all set - doesn't sound like a heavy load at all, sounds efficient! :)

    1. I've always been a "commando shopper"; fast in, fast out, with a well defined mission. This time I shopped a little bit more than I planned to do


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