March 4, 2011

Gone but not forgotten

I apologize for being late. In my place we're already half an hour into the 5th March. The "Gone but not forgotten" blogfest was scheduled for yesterday.

I don't watch many TV shows, nor TV in general. Most TV shows I have watched are gone. There are few I haven't forgotten, and even fewer I miss. Here are five past shows I enjoyed. Not sure if they're completely gone, but they're gone from the TV channels we have.

1. Headbanger’s Ball. An MTV classic. TV is full of crap pop music. More metal, please.

2. Downton Abbey. Great British drama series, watched it very recently (this year) in public broadcasting. Confilct, conflict, conflict.

3. UEFA Champions League. Great football, still on TV, but mostly on pay channels we don't have.

4. Stingers. Cool Australian under cover series. First seasons were best, when Anita Hegh was still in the lineup.

5. M*A*S*H. Just unforgettable.

(Heavy metal is cool on TV but a lot better live. I took the picture above on a concert with Mayhem in May last year)


  1. Yes, please. More headbanger's ball for me, too!

  2. Headbanger's Ball! Dude, you rock. And yes, MASH was one of the greatest shows ever.

  3. Downton Abbey will be back for a new season!! I loved loved loved it!! Great addition.

  4. Lana: Nice to meet another headbanger >:)

    Alex: Yes, that's two great TV shows; HBB and MASH

    Hannah: Then I'm looking forward to the next season of DA. Hope they will show it in a channel I have


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