June 5, 2011


Today is the 6th of June, 6/6, the day Satan was born.

We're planning a big celebration, at least I do. Mohahhaa, it's scary, isn't it?

Not really. I'm not taking God nor Satan very seriously.

I think the Christians should be happy to have their Satan. He's a nice guy, and the second most important character in Christianity (after Jesus). Satan has been used for centuries to scare people to believe in God. It has been an effective campaign. Satan and Jesus are friends.

By the way, here's a cool joke I heard from little boy some time ago.

Pete and Paul were playing in the sandpit.
Pete said: "Paul, do you beileve that Satan really exists?"
Paul replied: "No, it's like Santa Claus, it's just dad."

Merry Antichristmas >:)

(The picture above is not my work, unfortunately, it's a cool drawing. I found it on the internet some years ago. I have used it in presentations at work from time to time; nobody has been offended so far. We're a country of heathens>:))


  1. Love little boy's joke. I had no idea today was Satan's birth. I bet he likes Devil's Food Cake.

  2. Helen: I'm not sure if 6/6 is generally accepted as Satan's birthday, but never mind. Five years ago, in 2006, satanists around the world announced big celebration on 6/6/6. Priests and church wardens around the world were anxious ... but nothing happened. My celebration is mostly a joke >:D

  3. haha, so people really get into this satan thing, huh? they're as silly as the the other religious folks i imagine...
    merry antichristmas to you too!

  4. You nailed it with Satan being Christianity's #2 diety! Without him, we'd have some pretty lame horror movies! But lets not forget all the Metal bands that released albums and started tours on 6/6/6.

  5. id: Satanism is not a theistic religion; it's more like anti-religion or a somewhat special kind of philosophy. Check out the Church of Satan link in the right margin of my blog. Btw, I'm not a satanist. I'm just having fun with it >:)

    Will: Yes, many metal bands took the opportunity to release albums on 6/6/6. It's almost 100 years till next time >:)

    Suze: It's a crazy world, isn't it. Most crazy is that many people still believe in an almost 2000 year old book, and a guy who was elected god by a majority decision at the church council in Nicea in 325 >:)


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