April 14, 2010

Volcano watching

In 1980, the stratovolcano Mount St Helens woke up, after a more than 100 years dormant period. A group of researchers was following the development on safe distance, they assumed. After a magnitude 5 earth quake, the northern face of the mountain collapsed. The subsequent lava eruption went off in an oblique direction, and buried the entire group of observers. Live volcano watching can be dangerous.

There are alternatives. She's watching on her lap top, while the web-cam is far away. The volcano is hot. The first drops of lava trickles from the crest. It's close now, so exciting. Then the volcano goes off, a burst of lava into the air, and flowing down the slope. Then it's all over. The volcano is dormant again, for a while. He turns off the webcam. She has some work to finish on her own. She records it on her phone and sends him a definitive voice mail.

Iceland is hot now. Maybe that’s the place to go for summer vacation this year?


  1. It seems to me that Nature is quite active nowadays. 'Course they say the number and strength of the earthquakes around the world is not unusual. If they could really predict a volcano eruption, I would love to see it - from far, far away. Maybe on my couch watching on TV.

    Straight From Hel

  2. Yeah, this is an "extreme" job, similar to "extreme" sports. There has to be a better way to make a living. But ist fun to watch them crash and burn.

    Stephen Tremp

  3. I believe I heard this morning that it blew and was causing all kinds of disruption.

  4. Yes, right now the volcanic erruption on Iceland is creating big problems. All airports in Winterland has been closed yesterday and today due to cloads of volcanic ash coming in from the west.

  5. Yes, and the closed airports have cause havoc with the South African contingent to the London Book Fair 2010. Too many flights cancelled. :(

    But I have to say I admire Mother Nature for letting us puny humans know that, no matter how clever our technology, there are still times when she rules!


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