April 13, 2015

A-Z Challenge 11: Kansas

Today is K-day. Unfortunately both Canaan and the Cathar Crusade starts with C in English, so I need to find something else.  So, I'll write a little bit about Kansas. Why?  Because Kansas is the new Jerusalem, sort of.  It's the place where new religions are born. What I have in mind are the Westboro Baptist Church, and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. 

The Westboro Baptist Church is known for its extreme views and actions. We have seen the banners during their demonstrations:
“God hates America”
“Fags eat poop”
I don’t want to spend more words on this crazy bunch.

I find the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster more interesting. It came to our knowledge through an open letter to the Kansas school board. The letter expressed concerns regarding the teaching of Intelligent Design as an alternative to Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

You can read the letter here

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was concerned that Kansas would only teach one version of Intelligent Design, and wanted their version to be taught too. To me all of these Intelligent Design theories are equally good >:)


  1. You just made my morning. That is so unbelievably awesome. The church of the flying spaghetti monster? Too rich. I bet I know what they use for communion.

    1. The members of the Church of the FLying Spaghetti Monster call themselves Pastafarians >:)

  2. Yeah--weird something in the water that they can spring such a hateful religion. I am also a much bigger fan of the flying spaghetti monster. My favorite Kansas deal is it is the setting for the show Jericho which has inspired some of my dystopian stuff (it is on Netflix)

    1. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is probably the funniest of all religions. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the Jericho show

  3. the church of the flying spaghetti monster is just as likely as the one true god.

  4. The Westboro Baptist loons came to "protest" at my old job, a Jewish newspaper. I have a number of pictures from their silly "protest," which they had to hold on the side of the road since they didn't realize we were on top of a hill and past a roundabout.

  5. Fortunately, I've never encountered this crazy hate-church in person

  6. People like to forget that religious freedom means everyone gets a say. If you're gonna teach creation as an alternative to evolution, you'd better start reading up on all the possible creation myths, not just the Christian one... :D

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

  7. Westboro is run by a nut job who is not a representative of the God I follow.


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