April 18, 2015

A-Z Challenge 16: Prostitution in accordance with the Quran

Wherever there are horny men, there is a market for prostitution, the world's oldest profession. Islam in general doesn't approve nor structly ban prostitution.

The problem with prostitution is sex outside marriage, which is not allowed by the Quran. But there's a way around this,. The justification can be found in Sure 4.24:
And all married women except those whom your right hands possess Allah’s ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.  
So, the practical solution to the problem is short - time marriage. Just marry the prostitute, get the services you pay for, and then divorce her. This kind of marriages can last from an hour to a few days (Mutah).

There's some dispute between Muslim scholars about this interpretation of the Quran, but some Shia and Salafi countries approve it. Bahrain has even turned this into big business. 

What about the women who are misused by brothels and pimps? That's not a big issue. Women's rights don't exit in Islamic countries. They should just stay inside their burkas  and niqabs and be honorable and silent. Then the reward comes in Paradise.

God is great.  Really?

(Picture from my collection, taken some years ago when I visited Qatar, where I first heard about this pragmatic way of organizing prostitution in Muslim countries.)


  1. Leave it to the 'one true god' to turn a religious devotion into a sleazy immoral act.

    1. It's probably more about the men who claim they represent God

  2. Both fornication and adultery are problems, and so is the idea of women being used for sex when sex was intended by its designer to be an expression of love.

  3. Both fornication and adultery are problems, and so is the idea of women being used for sex when sex was intended by its designer to be an expression of love.

  4. I suppose men (mankind) will twist any religious text to suit his own purposes and allow his on sinful desires to be deemed appropriate. But that won't help when he comes face to face with his Maker and has to give an account of himself.
    Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
    I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
    with the A to Z Challenge

    1. The religious texts were twisted and selected by people who had their purpose from the very beginning, so the story just continues. There's probably a reason why some texts ended up in the Bible, whereas others were left out, such as the Gnostic Gospels.


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