April 4, 2015

A-Z Challenge 04: David

David is all over the place. Messenger of God.  King of Israel.  Prophet of Islam. As far as I know, we can even draw David without getting a fatwa thrown at us. Well, I’m not quite sure. To be on the safe side, we should only draw Santa Claus.

In his early years, David had an androgynous look, and wrote songs about spiders from Mars … sorry, that was David Bowie.

Back to our David.

When the men of Israel faced the mighty giant Goliath, David said he wanted to fight him alone. David picked up some stones from the ground and threw them in Goliaths face with a sling (1. Samuel 17).

In the 1990s, he was king of the midfield, master of curved free kicks, and star of hair styling commercials … sorry, that was David Beckham.

Back to our David.

David was successful in many battles and became commander of the army. After circumcising 200 enemies, and bringing the cut-off foreskins back as a trophy, Saul offered David his daughter for marriage (1. Samuel 18; if this makes my blog AC, so is the Bible).

For many years, he worked for BBC, making programs about natural history … sorry, that was David Attenborough.

Think I need to stop this mess, before I get to David Hasselhoff  >: D


  1. David is the King of the Skateboard, Sweet boy with impromptu poetry, tattooed wild child with big heart.
    Sorry...that's my David.
    Back to your David.

    1. Nice. Thanks for letting me know >:)

      P'S. According to my skier-boys who also skateboard in the summer, skateboarding is the most difficult sport.

  2. Hahaha :D :D
    My post today also has a David! From Armenia. For some reason.

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary - Epics from A to Z
    MopDog - 26 Ways to Die in Medieval Hungary

    1. You made me curious. I'll check out your David >:)

  3. Please stop before you get to Hasselhoff.
    That was rather funny!

  4. Oh, I think there are definitely parts of the Bible that are AC.
    Play off the Page

    1. Yes, I know, e.g. the scene with Lot and his daughters after escaping Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:31-35). Our teacher in elementary school left out certain details when reading this story to the class >:)

  5. Quite an unusual trophy... or did that happen a lot in biblical times.

    Or is that something all Davids do? o_O


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