August 15, 2010

Assumption of Mary

Have you ever been in a Catholic country on the 15th of August? I have, a few times, in Italy and Austria. Every time I have been surprised to find that all shops and restaurants are closed, at least in the small towns and villages. No place to get food.

The 15th of August is the day when the Catholics celebrate the Assumption of Virgin Mary, a national holiday. I come from a Protestant country so I always forget about it.

Jesus was apparently a nice guy, a very tolerant person, and a rebel of his time. And different from some of his fans, he probably just laughed when John Lennon announced that The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. Why not celebrate the Assumption of his dear mother? Have a nice trip >:)

I took the picture above this summer, in a small Medieval town in Montenegro. I don't think they're Catholics, probably some kind of Orthodox?


  1. We were in Spain at Christmas and were surprised to find stores closed the Saturday before. Taught me not to put off shopping until right before we left.

  2. I was in Portugal in the spring and ran into that type of situation once. I seemed so odd to me, having whole towns shut down.

  3. I never knew that. Interesting post, sounds like you're doing some real travelling!

  4. I thought the Italian celebrated Ferragosto, it's more like a festival. At least that's what the Italian community in Sydney do, eat, drink and party. Shops still open.

    Really Angelic

  5. Farragosto is similar, I think, related to the Assumption of Mary. When we were in Venice this summer they celebrated Redentore, a memorial of the end of a big plague in the 16 century. Big party and fireworks on Saturday night, Mass and church ceremony on Sunday. A hell of a lot of cardinals, bishops, and priests coming in a parade, and a tail of church-groupies following >:)


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