November 4, 2010

Health or wealth

The Republicans are back in the House. On their agenda is to stop Obama's health reform.

In my mind, the health of the many is more important than the wealth of the few. But that's obviously an insane idea for the Republicans.

Then the good news: With Republicans like Jack Conway, Christine O'Donnell, Sarah Palin and Newt Gingrich in free action, it will hopefully help the Democrats in the next election >:)


  1. That is the only bright side I can see too. I'm VERY sad so many Americans are so clueless (or else value their fellows so little)

  2. TGE: Sorry to throw my political views around, just couldn't resist it.

    Hart: You're speaking like a social democrat. That's STRANGE in America, unfortunately. Maybe it's your Scandinavian heritage >:)

  3. If those Republicans would help in an election, it would have been this one. Politics seems to have become only a race to see who can get the most facetime on TV and who can bank the most lobbyist money.

  4. I think it's very wasteful to have an election every two years. The million spent on advertising and flyers can feed many poor people.

    My Darcy Mutates

  5. Helen: TV campaigns are OK if they promote their own political program, but I don't like it when TV is used just to poor shit over opponents.

    Enid: Elections, in general, is a big waste of money. Just think about countries like North Korea and Burma, how much money they save on this >:)))

  6. What's that they say--always look on the bright side of life?

    I wonder if election spending could be taxed at 100%?

  7. I agree with Enid regarding the waste. If these knuckleheads spent as much time, energy, and money on real issues once elected, they could move mountains!


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