November 27, 2010


A few weeks ago, I was cleaning out my desk and shelves in our office up north. In a magazine box, I found an old note book, between math notes and calculations. The note book contained some poems and short stories and memoirs that I wrote between 1987 and 1990.

Nice surprise. I thought that book was lost and gone long time ago.

It was fun to read. I was astonished by some of the stuff I wrote. Maybe I will post some of the high-lights (if any) on my blog. I just need to get it typed and translated to English.

Here's one of the poems, which is easy to translate, since it's free form. According to my note book, it was written on the night-train from the south in April 1987:

who can write
write, and
those who cannot write
print books and
make jellymen and
grow tea and
for those who write.
By the way,
I have quit

What the Hell does it mean? I'm not sure, but maybe I tried to quit the tobacco. If so; it failed. I'm still using it. I don't smoke, but I use this black stinking stuff that you put under the lip; snus (kind of moist snuff) >:)


  1. I love finding stuff that I'd been missing or had forgotten existed.

    Interesting poem.

  2. Hmmmm ... you sure that was tobacco. When you have to as What The Hell Was That, well ..... I ask from past personal experiences.

    Its always fun t find things from your past you think is long lost. Have a great week!

  3. Finding old stuff is so fun. I'm sure it was very deep!

  4. Oh what a fun treasure! I have some of those (similar years even) in college I wrote poems in the back of all my notebooks when I would get bored in a lecture, or tired of studying. Most should never be leaked, but i think a few might be worth sharing.

    I enjoyed this (and am glad it isn't the writing you quit!)

  5. TGE: Yes, it's fun to find this kind of old stuff, and interesting to try to figure out what I actually had in mind at that time >:)

    Stepehn: Quitting tocacco, that's dificult. And when research shows that it's not dangerous (speaking of snuff, not smoting), my motivation drops very low too

    Colene: I have no idea; probably not very deep >:)

    Hart: It would be cool if you dig up some highlights from the 80s to share. I definitely didn't quit writing. In general I have a hard time quiting anything that I enjoy.

  6. Don't know what it means either, but it's kind of neat. I like it. Hope you find lots of gems in the words.

  7. I have old stuff that I wrote in college. It was brilliant (note the use of the verb "was".)


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