November 25, 2010

Just another Thursday

That's it for today. In half an hour I leave our office in the north. Then I will go to the airport to get back home, flying Six Flags Airlines of course.

I just returned to my computer after a visit in the basement of our office building. I went down to look at some cores that the sedimentologists have put out on display. Cores means that it's samples of rocks taken out from the borehole when drilling a well into a oil reservoir. It's about a hundred meters of sandstones, similar to what you observe along the road in Western USA (I took the picture in Utah some years ago). However these cores have the familiar smell of oil. It's the stuff that we turn into petroleum for your cars.

Cool stuff, but I don't get to see these cores very often. That's the faith of a geophysicist. I spend most of my time with mathematics and computers, and hardly ever get to see the real stuff.

There's no thanksgiving celebration here. We don't have a tradition for that. I won't get any turkey with sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce, unfortunately. Maybe I'll take a hot dog while waiting in the airport.

I'll write another chapter for my so-called novel while waiting for my flight. It's gonna be the continuation on the previous chapter I wrote. Hay, that's gonna be exciting. I'm already looking forward to it.

We will see what I get. Here it's just another Thursday.

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