December 22, 2015
Happy winter solstice
December 12, 2015
September 1, 2015
Wet shoes
(Picture taken last night, when the clouds were coming in, but before the rain. Good times.)
May 20, 2015
Not too bad
After work I checked into the hotel. Then I went for a walk in the city center, near the King's castle and the parliament building. For a while I walked behind a fat and cute girl. She was more sexy than the skinny girls I met.
I went into a bookstore and bought two books, by Stig Sæterbakken and Michel Houellebecq. Then I went to meet a friend. We had a good dark beer (porter).
It was a nice evening in this city that I don't like very much. Not too bad >:)
(Picture taken tonight when I was out walking. That's the King's castle at the end of the street.)
May 5, 2015
The lesbian bishop
May 4, 2015
A-Z Challenge: Reflections
I tried to approach my theme in different ways; with humorous, sarcastic, provocative and serious posts. Sometimes it triggered interesting discussions in the comments. I appreciate that, and also that people were respectful and decent. Not net-trolls, although the theme as such may sometimes trigger strong feelings.
Unfortunately, April was a somewhat busy month. I spent 1 week on Easter vacation, skiing in the mountains, with no proper Internet connection (only cell phone), and one week business travel to the Arctic. Sometimes I had a hard time getting my posts published in due time, and I definitely got too little time to visit other participants. however, I found a few cool blogs that I followed throughout, in particular Write with Fey, Square Pegs and Tamara Narayam. The theme of the atter was one of my favorite subjects; mathematics. Maybe I'll pick that theme next time.
That's all for now, but as Arnold Scwarzenegger said: I'll be back >:)
(Skiing season ended yesterday. Now I will spend more free time in town. It's nice a this time of the year, when it hardly gets dark at all. That's great. I like the light summer nights in the north, but I will miss the snow and the skiing. Picture from my archives, taken in my hometown on a night in May a couple of years ago.)
April 29, 2015
A-Z Challenge 26: Zero or one
Zero or one is not the only option. There are lots of gods around. Just pick your favorite. Hinduism counts 33 gods, and the ancient Greek, Roman and Norse mythologies offer another 100 or more. My favorite among them is Ullr, the Norse god of skiing.
There are more than 100 gods that non of us believe in. The atheists believe in only one god less than the Christians and Muslims. That's great. Then we have a lot in common.
In a previous blogpost, written some days ago, I tried to answer the question: Why do people believe in God? A natural follow-up question is: Why do some people not believe in God? My simple answer is this:
Because some don't see the need for a god.
But there's more to be said, to elaborate on this:
Some people have grown up with religion being around, in school or at home. They find religious scriptures and doctrines unlogical and irrational, and in conflict with science and modern understanding of the world. Some find a solution in a more abstract concept of God. Others don't need any replacement.
Some people, or at least one, rejects god on scientific grounds. There's no need for a supernatural creator. This is what he said, the one, Stephen Hawking:
"When people ask me if god created the universe, I tell them that the question makes no sense. Time didn't exist before the big bang, so there is no time to make the universe in"Science cannot explain every detail of this yet, but we will eventually get there. That's what some believe, and it's as true as the belief in the one and only God; a subjective truth that exists in humans minds >:)
A-Z Challenge 25: Yatzy
"God doesn't play dice"The reason for Einstein's famous statement was that he didn't like the probability aspect of quantum mechanics, this somewhat fuzzy theory of physics which was developed in the early 1900s.
According to quantum mechanics, you can never know exactly where a particle is. You can only know the probability of observing it here or there. Once you measure, you will know, but then you don't know the speed of it.
The opposite is also true. If you park your bike in the yard, and you know it's standing still, you don't know where it is. That's what quantum mechanics says, Fortunately this effect is too small to be an issue for bikes or anything else in the world we experience in our daily lives.
But this is how it works on the scale of atoms and smaller. You can't know both the position and speed of a particle at the same time. This is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Even God has to obey it.
God may be almighty, but Heisenberg is mightier >:)
Classical physics is deterministic, in the sense that the effect can be calculated if the cause is known.
In quantum mechanics this principle is apparently lost. But this is only apparently.The probability distributions (wave functions) of quantum mechanics are deterministic. It's only our observations that have an element of randomness. The probability distributions contain everything you may want to know about a particle, and if you know the probability distribution at present, you can calculate it at all times in the future (and the past).
The laws of physics work in the same way every time we apply them, fortunately. Otherwise it would be difficult to build skyscrapers and bridges, and it would be very risky to fly on an air plane. Also, it seems like the laws of physics have worked the same way in the past, as far as we can observe from geological processes an remote galaxies, millions of lightyears away (that's how we can see the past).
This means that either there is no God, or He has chosen to never use His almightyness to change the laws of physics. Or maybe He just couldn't defeat Heisenberg?
April 26, 2015
A.Z Challenge 24: X is unknown
ax+b=c,and x is the unknown. Find x; that's easy,
x=(c-b)/a.Now, let's put in some real numbers, a=2, b=6, c=14, or a=II, b=VI, c=XIV. The answer is x=4 or x=IV, in Arabic and Roman numbers, respectively. Which do you prefer? Today we use the Hindu-Arabic number system, because it's logical and makes it easier to perform calculations.
It was argued that Arabic numbers made it easier to perform fraud. Just add a zero at the end to turn 100 into 1000. Also, it made the clers less exclusive. With Arabic numbers, anyone could do math, at least simple calculations, without being trained on the abacus.
There's an alternative saying regarding math; God made the integers, the rest is Man's work.
A-Z Challenge 23: What we worship
Whatever they worship, it's fine with me, as long as they keep it between themselves. But, they don't, and that's where the trouble starts. Some places in the scriptures there are verses that refer to all or everybody, for instance Corinthians 15:22:
"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."And there is Matthew 28:18-19, the verses we learnt by heart in school:
“And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”
“… let those who wish to believe in it do so, and let those who wish to reject it do so.”
Witchcraft you
Wish but
Wrangle in
Words >:)
April 24, 2015
A.Z Challenge 22: Virgin and extra virgin
A-Z Challenge 21: Urban II and W on crusade
April 23, 2015
A-Z Challenge 20: The tenth plague
“Baptism isn't just regular water, but it is water which is confined by the command of God and united by the word of God. What it means, no living man can comprehend, but the children are bound to understand!”
“Later on we eat the body of God and drinks his blood. This disgusting, cannibalistic magic is practiced till this day. But if one have the stomach to participate in this ritual, then one is saved. Then one can allow oneself almost any disgracefulness, if only one prays to God afterwards. If only one believes and is baptized.”
“Practically all the church fathers have agreed to denote erotic emotions as sinful, beauty and grace as the devil's delusion and the woman as Satan's gateway. This aversion to women and female charm, that is so loudly expressed by the church fathers, is a homosexual characteristic. It is this, which is called moral purity.”
Øverland gave some pretty bold statements for his time. The bishops and scholars were furious, of course. The author was taken to court, accused of blasphemy. He was acquitted.
April 22, 2015
A-Z Challenge 19: Secularism
April 21, 2015
A-Z Challenge 18: Ramadan under the midnight sun
April 20, 2015
A-Z Challenge 17: Questioning the Quran in Qom
April 18, 2015
A-Z Challenge 16: Prostitution in accordance with the Quran
And all married women except those whom your right hands possess Allah’s ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.
April 17, 2015
A-Z Challenge 15: Opium of the people
Marx also had thoughts about the role of religion. His most famous statement is that “religion is the opium of the people”. Here, I think he has a good point.
April 16, 2015
A.Z Challenge 14: Nature
’ve spent the last few days on an archipelago up in the Arctic, and I’m still there, at 78 degrees north. I’ve been here before. The last time was in August 2013. It’s fantastic, and April is the best time to visit. There is still cold snow and winter conditions, but with the light of the Arctic summer. The midnight sun lasts from 19. April to 25. August at this altitude.
April 14, 2015
A.Z Challenge 13: Monks and monasteries
A-Z Challenge 12: Latter Day Saints
April 13, 2015
A-Z Challenge 11: Kansas
April 10, 2015
A-Z Challenge 10: John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
A-Z Challenge 09: Idols
April 9, 2015
A-Z Challenge 08: Hell
April 8, 2015
A-Z Challenge 07: God
April 6, 2015
A-Z Challenge 06: Free thinking and free speech
Free thinking and free speech have always challenged religion, and continue to do so. I bet God don’t mind, but men with big beards do.
How do you dare to challenge the scriptures, and the scholars who know the correct interpretation? It’s blasphemy, a crime that qualifies to jail, whipping, and maybe death sentence in parts of the world.
You can control and rule over people with physical power and arms. But it’s much more effective if you can make the control to settle in people’s minds; get it internalized. Then people will control themselves, and each other.
That’s were religion is so brilliant, and free thinking and free speech is equally threatening.
April 5, 2015
A-Z Challenge 05: Easter
Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Easter time means a lot to many people. It means different things to different people.
The Jews have their Passover, celebrating Exodus, the escape from the slavery in Egypt.
The Christians celebrate the resurrection of the man who climbed out of the grave.
In Winterland, Easter is about skiing in the white snow - covered mountains.
We all have our temples >:)
April 4, 2015
A-Z Challenge 04: David
David is all over the place. Messenger of God. King of Israel. Prophet of Islam. As far as I know, we can even draw David without getting a fatwa thrown at us. Well, I’m not quite sure. To be on the safe side, we should only draw Santa Claus.
In his early years, David had an androgynous look, and wrote songs about spiders from Mars … sorry, that was David Bowie.
Back to our David.
When the men of Israel faced the mighty giant Goliath, David said he wanted to fight him alone. David picked up some stones from the ground and threw them in Goliaths face with a sling (1. Samuel 17).
In the 1990s, he was king of the midfield, master of curved free kicks, and star of hair styling commercials … sorry, that was David Beckham.
Back to our David.
David was successful in many battles and became commander of the army. After circumcising 200 enemies, and bringing the cut-off foreskins back as a trophy, Saul offered David his daughter for marriage (1. Samuel 18; if this makes my blog AC, so is the Bible).
For many years, he worked for BBC, making programs about natural history … sorry, that was David Attenborough.
Think I need to stop this mess, before I get to David Hasselhoff >: D
April 3, 2015
A-Z Challenge 03: Communion
When I was a kid, I was amazed by the communion. My parents were hardly Christian, and never took part in it. But I saw it a couple of times when we happened to go to church, for a baptism, or on Christmas Day.
When I was in elementary school, and learnt what the communion means, I thought it was pretty bizarre. Eating the flesh of Jesus. Drinking his blood. What the Hell are you guys doing there by the altar?
When I was a teen, my friends and I once sneaked into the priest’s dressing room behind the pulpit. The huge coat hangers for his robes were quite impressive, flesh and blood of Jesus were disappointing. The wine and the biscuits which were stored in a cupboard in the corner, tasted like sour juice and pieces of paper (respectively). It was my first and last communion, kind of.
There’s such a long list of funny stuff on the letter C. Too much for one blogpost. So I rather summarize it in this childish C-poem:
Craved for
Crusade when they were
Circumcized during the
Communion. But the
Cured them with
Celibacy >:)
April 2, 2015
A-Z Challenge 02: Baal
When I was a kid, my father taught me how to carve wooden men out of birch branches. They were easy to carve, these small men with a rounded head and a long robe. My father called them priests of Baal.
According to the Old Testament, Baal was a false God, an idol.
As far as I can remember, I learnt three things from my father: skiing, fishing trout, and worshipping a false God. Now, he’s teaching the same things to his grandchildren.
That’s life, for kids in Winterland >:)
April 1, 2015
A-Z Challenge 01: Abraham
March 31, 2015
Writing a blog post with cold fingers
I'm sitting on a rock in the mountains, writing my first blog post outdoor and above timberline. I had to search a little bit to find a spot with cellphone signal.
It's such a nice day, in this bowl where you can just ski everywhere. Mountain men (like me) know of course that this beautiful landscape can turn into an inferno when fog and blizzards come in. But today it's just paradise, with blue sky and white snow.
Its the white gold.
My hands are getting a little bit cold while typing, cold as heaven. Time to get my gloves and my skis on and get back to the offpiste slopes >:)
(Picture taken 10 minutes ago with my cellphone camera. The pictures get a little bit random because it's hard to see the display in the strong sun. But if I take a lot of pictures, I always get some good ones.)
March 29, 2015
Summertime in Winterland
There's something about staying up late. I like that, but it sometimes makes me tired the next day.
Yesterday, I had a great day of skiing. It was nice and sunny. It was the kind of spring-winter when you can feel the sun is warming, even above timber line in the mountains.
I spent last night reading and writing in the cabin, and then chatting with a good friend on Internet, while enjoying a cold beer.
I didn't stay up very late, just about an hour past midnight. But this was the night we changed the clocks to summer time, and lost one hour. So today I'm a little bit tired.
Time to finish my coffee and get out on the slopes again. Then I will wake up, for sure.
(Picture taken yesterday. Little boy was skiing with a buddy in the snow park, and I was enjoying the company of my shadow while skiing in the high zone )
March 23, 2015
A-Z Challenge: Theme reveal
March 9, 2015
February 8, 2015
Gold rush

January 30, 2015
Signed up for the A-Z Challenge
Today, I took a day off from work, and went up to the mountains with little boy and a couple of his buddies. The boys are already out skiing in the snow park, jumping on the big jumps.
I'm sitting in the cafe drinking a cup of fairly good coffee (not the best), and reading some work mail. We have another two days of skiing ahead of us, so I think I will skip the skiing today. I will try to get some work done, and think about a theme for the A-Z Challenge.
I should find a theme which is interesting, and doesn't provoke or offend anyone. No, I think I will reduce my ambition. I'll find a theme which is just interesting. There are som nice options in the sub-heading of my blog:
"about science, mathematics, skiing, drumming, black metal, opera, sex, summer, winter, Heaven and Hell"
Science would be a cool theme, with plenty of topics to write about: astronomy, biology, chemistry, dinosaurs, evolution, Feynman, gravity, Hubble ...
Maybe I should go for mathematics, which also has lots of topics: asymptotic analysis, Banach space, complex numbers, divergence theorem, error function, functions, Gauss distribution, Hilbert space ... Might be fun to write about, but maybe interesting to only a few readers.
Opera could be a cool topic, with posts about Aida, Bizet, Carmen, Donizetti, ...
No, I think I go for the last two options: Heaven and Hell, or some variety of it. Just wait and see till April >:)
(Picture taken today, when I sent little boy and his buddies off in the chair lift)
January 22, 2015
In the time of sanctions
January 15, 2015
Charlie is back
- Imagine Obama coming to The House proposing a new law received from God, and the Republicans could do nothing to stop it.
- Imagine the Labor party coming to the Parliament with a political program given by God, and Cameron had to approve it right away.
- Women are not allowed to watch football games (Iran)
- Women are not allowed to drive cars (Saudi)
- Death penalty for blasphemy (Pakistan)
- Separate ski lifts for men and women (Iran)
- One-hour marriage with prostitutes (which makes prostitution compliant with the Quran; Bahrain).
- Men can’t sit next to women on airplanes (orthodox Jews)
- Women can’t become priests (Catholics)
- Priests must live in celibate (Catholics)
- Ban on condoms (Catholics)